Corporate financial services

Helping to make your business more financially secure

Corporate financial planning is an important element of running a business. Carpenter Box Financial Advisers provide a range of services to help companies, partnerships and sole traders develop and succeed, by making them more financially secure.

Our range of solutions include pension provision and how to make substantial savings by using group schemes, whilst integrating these benefits with the specific goals of the management and staff.

In addition, we put in place corporate protection strategies which help ensure companies safeguard their most important assets – their people. The service includes advice on keyman and life insurance which will protect a business should an important employee or director, whose experience, knowledge, power and ability are crucial to its success and existence, die or become seriously ill. This will also protect shareholding/partnership value through shareholder or partnership protection.

These arrangements provide both the funds and the legal framework to ensure that the remaining owners have the ability to purchase the business share from the retiring owner or deceased owner’s estate, helping to ensure they remain in control of the business.

It is also important to ensure that the sale of the business share fairly represents its value at the time of death or retirement through ill health.

How we can help:

  • Corporate investments
  • Directors pensions
  • Keyman insurance
  • Management of cash reserves
  • Protecting the business
  • Pension schemes for employees
  • Protecting shareholder value
  • Employee Benefits

I was very pleased to learn that Carpenter Box had a representative who could offer and provide exactly what our firm needed. What I thought would be a significant hassle to the point of being impossible, Tom Reed made it extremely simple and made sure we confident of the goals and steps taken all the way.

James Pindell, Tectonic Analysis Ltd

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automatic enrolment
protection planning

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested.

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