Attendance allowance explained

Care home fees within West Sussex begin at £1,500 per week. This decision, regarding your finances, is among the most critical ones you’ll make in your lifetime. For numerous individuals, covering these expenses requires utilising their savings or liquidating their property, as they don’t qualify for NHS financial support.

Given the unpredictability of future health conditions, taking proactive steps now by seeking financial guidance for later stages of life can offer peace of mind. This way, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the necessary care, regardless of your health condition.

Carpenter Box Financial Advisers proudly participate in Carewise, an initiative by West Sussex County Council aimed at encouraging individuals to seek advice as they embark on their care journeys. Gill Lynes, Senior Financial Planning Manager at Carpenter Box Financial Advisers, revealed that between April and June, 83 individuals received guidance through the five advisers engaged in the Carewise program.

In the previous quarter alone, an impressive sum of £1,128,170 in additional benefits was secured due to referrals by various organisations within this initiative. These benefits can significantly impact individuals confronting elevated care expenses, often enabling them to extend their time living in their own homes.

At Carpenter Box Financial Advisers, a dedicated team of experts specialises in later life planning. They possess the proficiency to navigate intricate legislation, presenting your options alongside their respective advantages and disadvantages. For more information, please explore our website.